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Chroma Wars Guide


General Info
This Game Guide is highly recommended for those who are playing Chroma Wars for the first time or
have little knowledge of strategy games.
Chroma Wars is a turn-based strategy RPG.



Most of your interaction with the game is through the mouse. You will select, move, fight and analyze
armies on the Battlefield or in the Managing Phase using a simple point-and-click system.
To move the camera over the battlefield, use the arrow keys, WASD or mouse over and click the borders
of the game screen.
For all other moves, use the mouse.

Headquarters: The Managing Phase

Before and after every battle, you will go through the Managing Phase which allows you to buy, sell,
upgrade and resurrect armies.

Every army can be upgraded in three ways:• Increasing the experience level (upgrading characteristics and special abilities)• Upgrading weapons (increasing damage)• Upgrading armor (increasing armor protection and defense %).

​Increasing of the experience level occurs only if the army has enough experience points and you haveenough treasure to cover the cost.When increasing an army's level you face two consecutive phases:• Increasing the level of characteristics• Acquisition of special abilities/spells (only at levels 2,5,10).The increase of characteristics can happen either automatically, or by manually distributing thecharacteristic points you have received. You must assign all characteristic points in order to proceed.

​The acquisition of special abilities/spells happens only at levels 2,5,10 and follows an abilities tree, wherein order to obtain the next ability/spell, you must have previous knowledge of lesser abilities/spells.

Upgrading weapons and armor has a variable cost and is capped according to the experience level of thearmy (for example, a second-level army can receive no more than two upgrade in weapons and/or armor).Upgrading your weapons increases the damage your army causes to enemies in battle.Upgrading armor increases the protection values and the defense % against enemy attacks.Think carefully about your choices in these phases because you won't be able to come back!World MapOn the World Map, you can follow the geographical and narrative development of your militarycampaign.

​Mission already handled will bear a “Mission Accomplished” wording and the flag of HWD in the box
with the name of the mission.
The mission to accomplish is highlighted using a blinking red dot. Click on the box to select it.

The Battlefield
The first thing to do at the beginning of a battle is to place your armies . Click on an icon/face in the army
box, and a white grid will appear on the battlefield (You can explore the battlefield using the arrow keys
as explained in General Info). Select the square where you want to place the army by clicking on it.

​You can also select the orientation of the army by clicking one of the four square adjacent to it (you willsee 4 red arrows).

A tip: try not to expose your flank or rear to your enemy.

To move the camera over the battlefield, use the arrow keys, WASD or mouse over and click the borders
of the game screen. For all other moves, use the mouse.

​As soon as you have placed all of your armies, or there isn't space to place them, select confirm in the
army box and the battle will begin!
Don't be afraid if the first move goes to your enemy, this will give you time to plan your strategy for
As you can see, the game takes place over a gridded board containing the different types of terrain which
make up the battlefield. Each terrain has characteristics that affect the fight.
For examples: defending on a mountainous terrain is easier than on the plains, moving on a road with
tanks is faster than through a forest.

Though each army comprises a hundred men, it is represented by a single miniature figure.
The bases of these figures have different colors: the armies of the HWD stand on a white base,
Hitland/Kaos armies on a black one, the HWD General on a red base, and the Hitland/Kaos General on a

green one.
At the centre of the base, a number indicates the remaining life of the army. At its sides are two spheres:
the green one indicates whether the army can move, the red one whether the army can attack.
To obtain information about an army, mouse over it, and a tooltip will appear in the central screen
displaying the name/type of the army, life points, experience level, weapons level, and armour level.

​You can examine the characteristics of armies and terrain by clicking on the "info" button on the bottomright of the screen and then on the army/terrain you would like to inspect. To close this window, click onthe "info" button again.

Every battle turn is composed of two action phases, one for you and the other for your enemy. The order
of execution of the phases is randomly determined at the beginning of the turn and is influenced by the
"initiative" value of the generals on the battlefield.
During your action phase you can move, entrench, activate special abilities and/or spells, or fight with
one, all or no armies.

To use an army, you must click on it to select it. The squares where the unit can move will be highlighted.

Before the attack* you will see the “Battle Prediction”. This will give you an estimate of the final result ofthat battle in terms of damages you'll cause to your enemy (Attack Damage) and that your enemy willcause to you (CounterAttack damage).Another tip: use the Battle Prediction to plan your tactics and make the best attack in any situation.Remember that you can orient an army before or after movement (but not after an attack) using theorientation button at the bottom left of the interface.Entrenching an army raises its defense abilities (the amount depends on the type of the unit; for example,infantry gets a larger defensive bonus than cavalry). It's possible to entrenching a single army 5consecutive times. You lose a level of entrenchment after every attack or defensive action. You completelylose the effect of entrenchment when you move. You cannot entrench if you are in an enemy ZOC (Zoneof Control).By activating a special ability, your armies will benefit from its bonuses for one or more turns. All armiesacquire special abilities when they acquire a new level, some of them may have a special ability from thebeginning. Activating a special ability is considered an "extra" action if it is performed before anymovement or attack by the army with the ability. Activating a special ability cancels the effects of anyother ability still in use. The effects of area special abilities available to generals sum with those of thesingle armies.

When you have finished your actions, click on the hourglass icon on the bottom right of the screen to end
your turn.

Chroma Wars is a game with straightforward commands, but it features many rules and tactical options. In
your battles and campaigns, try to remember these:
•Never forget the Primary Objective and the amount of turns at your disposal to achieve it.
•On the battlefield, Primary Objectives are labeled using names written entirely in UPPERCASE.
•On the battlefield, Secondary Objectives are labeled using names where only the first letter is in
•Look at the briefing if you need to be reminded of the Objectives and the available battle turns.
•An army cannot move after the attack.
•An army that moves can subsequently attack.
•An army can be oriented only before an attack.
•An army can be oriented after moving.
•Melee Attacks: Try to attack your enemies in from the flank or the rear. Try to avoid being attacked from
the flank or from the rear. From these angles, the target of an attack suffers a huge defensive penalty.
•Try to defend on terrain such as mountains, hills, or inside military bases and fortresses: you will receive
a valuable defensive bonus. Avoid defending in open plains.

•Inside fortresses and buildings, armies usually don't suffer any penalty when defending against hand-to-
hand attacks coming from the flank or the rear.

•Armies attacking units inside fortresses and buildings usually don't receive a bonus when attacking
enemies on the flank or the rear.
•The defensive ability of every army progressively decreases every time it suffers an attack, even if the
attack was not successful.
•In order to perform a ranged attack, you must have a fire line free of mountains, hills, towns, etc. (but
there can be armies).
•Every army has a "ZOC" (zone of control) consisting of every square adjacent to the army's square.
•The movement of every army stops as soon as it enters an enemy ZOC.

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